2020 a fost un an care a impins toti jucatorii din piata – retailerii, producatorii, consumatorii – intre efortul de a se adapta unui stil de viata nou impus de
Am experimentat cu toții o schimbare bruscă și radicală a contextului de viață și asta nu poate să însemne pentru noi decât haos și dezordine, cu implicații emoționale și comportamentale.
We took a look at fashion retail during these uncertain times. What are the ongoing changes, business challenges and potential opportunities? Where does the industry go from here? Watch the
9 iun. 2020
Beauty retailers have dealt with a wide range of restrictions imposed by Covid-19 pandemic. How this industry will adapt to the new reality so that it can still provide a
Dacă în 2009 – 2010 criza se anunţa cu luni bune înainte de intrarea ei în drepturi, iar mediile economic, financiar erau avertizate de venirea „tsunamiului”, actuala criză generată de
The below video shows the implications of the strain COVID-19 has put on healthcare sector. The main question is how the system should react to the outbreak effects and what
Coronavirus has changed the relationship with the place called ”home”. Spending more time at home, people had the time to explore how they interact with their space and to clarify
In a time when most of the daily pleasures are limited, INDULGENCE finds new forms, adapted to the present context. Brands are in the situation to explore new touchpoints in
28 mai 2020
A bike surge has already occurred as a result of the pandemic. We are curious to find out the opportunities that arise for brands, retailers and institutions. Let’s see! 👇
Intreg consumul s-a mutat de la mijlocul lui martie si pentru categoria cafelei in-home. Cresterea cantitatilor de cafea cumparata pentru acasa sustine incercarea consumatorilor de a suplini ceea ce consumau